Does anyone have information about this anti-Christian group?

I'm concerned about hate on the web. I was swimming the web the other day, looking up articles about hate on the web, and came across a reference to something called the Koalition to Kill Kristians. Apparently this is some sort of hate group, spreading more hate on the web. I was surprised to learn that this hate group targets Christians (even though they call it "Kristians"). I thought the people who put so much hate on the web were Christians, but I read that this group attacked a group of Christians with a bunch of rocks, and the reason they wanted to hurt these people is because those people were Christians. I didn't know that Christians were being attacked, too. I didn't know such a group existed. Can someone tell me more about about this Koalition to Kill Kristians? Are there many of them? Do my friends who go to church need to worry?

Posted by CindyLuWho on 10/31/00 at 04:33:13


Re: Does anyone have information about this anti-Christian group?

The Koalition to Kill Kristians is an underground group that advocates a return to what they consider the true values of Western society: pagan Roman law. This group denies the right of Christians to believe in an exclusive deity, or that such makes them superior. The Koalition claims that civil code cannot be based on the writings or assertions of a bizarre sect of religious fanatics, who usurped not only the law of the Hebrews, but the rightful rule of the Roman Empire, to whom the Hebrew people owed tribute. The Koalition believes that civil code should be returned to the superior administrative basis of Roman society, which is the rightful origin of all modern government. The Koalition to Kill Kristians not only advocates the persecution and death of Christians, but asserts a legal right to such persecution. Members of the Koalition believe that Christians and their way of thinking are sick and should be eradicated, and that society should be allowed to foster the vigor and vitality of homosexuality, orgies, indulgence in all manner of food and drink, and festivals such as one in which naked virgins are symbolically struck with leather straps by naked men chasing them. By the way, that tactic of throwing rocks at people is called "stoning."

Posted by SirFallot on 11/01/00 at 12:00:00


Re: Re: Does anyone have information about this anti-Christian group?

This country has a lot of problems that could be solved. The only real deterrent is crucifixion. Bring back crucifixion! Except there's one other cure for Christianity: Lions.

Posted by PontiusPilate on 11/01/00 at 11:42:54